Website Acceleration Guide Get Your Website to Rocket Speed: Improving SEO and User Experience In today's competitive digital landscape, the speed of your website is not just a technical detail, it's a cornerstone of your success.
Website Security Guide In the digitalizing world, websites have become an indispensable communication and interaction platform for individuals and businesses. However, the security risks that these platforms bring with them are also ignored.
IndexNow: The Indexing Revolution of the Digital Age The rapidly changing nature of the digital age has created an environment where information is disseminated and updated faster than ever before. This means that websites need to provide their content to search engines quickly and efficiently.
The MIT License: The Software World's Declaration of Freedom The MIT License shines as a symbol of freedom in the software world. Developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), this license is a cornerstone of the open source philosophy. Software
Convert to WebP (Image Converter) Convert to WebP is a free online tool that allows you to quickly and easily convert your images to WebP format. WebP is a faster, more responsive format that makes your websites load faster.
Off-Page SEO: A Vital Strategy for Your Digital Success Off-page SEO refers to activities outside the website to increase a website's ranking and visibility in search engines. This strategy includes backlink building, social media
What is Client URL Library (cURL)? Client URL Library (cURL) is a powerful and flexible library of functions used in PHP to access URLs and communicate with web servers. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, gopher, telnet,
On-Page SEO: Your Site's Summit in Search Engines! Ranking high in search engines and gaining organic traffic is the dream of every website owner. To achieve this, it is necessary to apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques.
What is SEO and Why is it Important? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the work done to ensure that your website ranks high in search engines. Such as Google, Yandex, Bing and Yahoo
SEO Rakip Analizi Nasıl Yapılır? Rakip analizi, SEO'nun önemli bir parçasıdır. Sektördeki rakiplerinizin kim olduğunu, hangi anahtar kelimeleri hedeflediklerini, hangi içerikleri ürettiklerini ve hangi backlinkleri aldıklarını anlamanıza yardımcı olur. Bu