Tartaria Tablets: An Ancient Mystery and A New Look at Human History

Tartaria Tablets1, one of the oldest inscriptions believed to have the potential to shed light on humanity's past and the depths of the universe. These mysterious tablets offer clues about the origins of humanity, while providing an opportunity to unveil the mysteries of lost civilizations and the universe. In this article, you can learn more about the history, content and importance of the Tartaria Tablets for humanity.

Discovered in 1961 in the village of Tartaria, Romania, the Tartaria Tablets are a significant archaeological find consisting of three stone tablets. Believed to date back to the Neolithic period, these tablets are adorned with symbolic markings. However, there is still much debate about what the tablets represent and what purpose they served.

While some researchers argue that the tablets represent a true writing system, others believe that they only have a symbolic meaning. These findings are important because they show that Neolithic people could use complex symbols and perhaps even began to develop an early writing system. According to some estimates, the origin of the tablets dates back to 5300 BC, making them one of the oldest written examples in the world. This shows that a writing system existed even 2000 years before the Sumerians.

Tartaria Tabletleri
Tartaria Tablets

Points of Interest

Accidentally discovered in 1961 by construction workers in the village of Tărtăria, Romania, the Tartaria Tablets are represented by three clay tablets. These tablets were found inside a pot in a mound. The Tartaria Tablets are an important archaeological discovery that could change our understanding of the origins of humanity's ability to communicate in writing.

The meaning of the tablets and the language they represent have not yet been deciphered. While the Tartaria Tablets are accepted as being among the oldest known examples of writing in the world, discussions about the age and origin of the tablets continue. Due to the inability to perform carbon dating and stratigraphic uncertainty, the exact age of the tablets has not been fully determined.

There are different opinions about the meaning of the symbols on the Tartaria Tablets and the language they represent. While some researchers argue that the tablets are related to Vinča symbols, others suggest that these symbols are a form of proto-writing that could be the precursor to the Sumerian writing system.


The Tartaria Tablets have been a discovery that has aroused mystery and curiosity since their discovery in Romania in 1961. Although it is still unclear what the symbols on the tablets represent and what language they represent, there are sharp debates about the origin and age of the tablets. In these discussions, different researchers offer different perspectives.

Tartaria Tabletleri
Tartaria Tablets

The History of the Tartaria Tablets: Conflicting Views and the Clash Between Dates

Proponents of an Ancient Origin: Some researchers suggest that the tablets could date back to the depths of history, as far back as 5300 BC. This would make them one of the oldest written examples showing that humanity developed a writing system even before the Sumerians, about 2000 years ago. According to this perspective, the Tartaria Tablets are among the oldest known examples of writing in humanity.

Proponents of a More Recent Origin: Other researchers suggest that the tablets may have a more recent date, dating to 3500-2500 BC. According to this view, the tablets may have been written before the Sumerian writing system emerged, but they are not the oldest examples of writing.


Vinča Culture Connection: Some experts argue that the symbols on the tablets resemble Vinča symbols. The Vinča culture was a culture that lived in the Balkans between 5700-4500 BC. According to this view, the Tartaria Tablets may reflect a possible writing system of the Vinča culture.

Sümer Yazı Sisteminin Öncüsü: Diğer uzmanlar ise tabletlerdeki sembollerin, Sümer yazı sisteminin öncüsü olabilecek bir proto-yazı biçimi olduğunu düşünmektedir. Bu bakış açısına göre, tabletler, Sümerlerin yazı sistemini geliştirmeden önce kullandıkları bir yazı sistemini yansıtabilir.

Tartaria Tabletleri
Tartaria Tablets


Evaluation as a Writing System: Many experts claim that the symbols on the tablets represent a writing system and have a certain meaning. According to this point of view, although it is not yet clear what the symbols on the tablets represent and in what language they are used, it is thought that the tablets were used as a communication tool.

Evaluation as Artistic or Religious Objects: Other researchers argue that the symbols on the tablets do not represent a writing system, but may have been used for an artistic or religious purpose. According to this perspective, the symbols on the tablets are thought to contain magical or religious meanings.

The Tartaria Tablets are an important archaeological discovery that could change our understanding of the origins of humanity's written communication skills. While the life, origin and meaning of the tablets are not yet fully understood, different experts offer different views. This diversity makes an important contribution to the work being done to solve the mystery of the Tartaria Tablets.


The material and size of the tablets consist of three clay tablets measuring approximately 10 cm x 8 cm. These tablets are made of reddish-brown baked clay. They contain geometric shapes, lines and symbols resembling animal figures. Some symbols are connected to each other and arranged in sequences. However, it is still not clear what the symbols mean and what language they represent.

Regarding the language of the writing and deciphering efforts, it is not known what language the symbols on the tablets represent. Many researchers believe that the symbols on the tablets are a writing system and have a certain meaning. However, many different methods have been tried to decipher the symbols on the tablets. However, none of these methods have reached a definite conclusion.

Contributions to History

The Origin of Writing: The Tartaria Tablets are considered important evidence that humanity's ability to communicate in writing goes deeper. These tablets are among the oldest known examples of writing in the world. Their discovery has changed our perspective on the origins of humanity's language and writing systems. This finding offers new clues about the origin and evolution of writing.

Information on Different Cultures: Although the origin and meaning of the Tartaria Tablets are not yet fully known, it is suggested that the symbols on the tablets may be associated with the Vinča culture or a form of proto-writing that could be the precursor of the Sumerians. This could provide a new perspective on the language and writing systems of different cultures. The deciphering of the tablets could allow us to learn more about the communication methods and lifestyles of these ancient cultures.

Contribution to Human History: The discovery of the Tartaria Tablets can contribute to a better understanding of humanity's past and language development. This finding can provide a deeper understanding of how people transmit and communicate information. Tablets can be considered an important milestone in human history.

Triggering More Research and Discoveries: The work done to solve the mystery of the Tartaria Tablets can encourage new research and discoveries in fields such as archeology, linguistics and history. This could lead to a more comprehensive understanding of human history and the origins of languages. Further discovery and examination of the Tartaria Tablets could lead to exciting new findings in the scientific world.


The mystery of the Tartaria Tablets has led to intense debate about their age and origin, and different researchers offer various views on the matter. These tablets are considered an important discovery that can provide a deeper understanding of the origins of humanity's ability to communicate in writing.

The Age and Importance of the Tablets: The Tartaria Tablets, estimated to date back to 5300 BC, offer a previously unknown perspective on humanity's ability to write. This shows the existence of a writing system even 2000 years ago, indicating that humanity's ability to communicate in writing goes deeper.

The Meaning of the Symbols and Deciphering Efforts: The meaning of the symbols on the tablets and the language they represent are still unclear. Many different methods have been tried to decipher these symbols, but no definitive conclusion has been reached yet. Some researchers argue that these symbols may be related to the Vinča culture or a form of proto-writing that could be the precursor of the Sumerians.

Cultural Connections and Future Research: Although the origin and meaning of the Tartaria Tablets have not yet been fully clarified, the association of these tablets with the Vinča culture or a form of proto-writing that could be the precursor of the Sumerians could provide a new understanding of the language and writing systems of ancient cultures. Therefore, when the mystery of the Tartaria Tablets is solved, a deeper understanding of human history and linguistic evolution can be provided.

  1. You can access the relevant academic article here. Membership and fee requests may be available. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43074235[]
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