Terms of Use 5/7/2024

Alperilhan.com.tr Website Terms of Use and Legal Information


Thank you for visiting the Alperilhan.com.tr website ("Blog" or "Site"). This page contains important legal information regarding your use of the Blog. Our aim is to explain your rights, responsibilities, and other important aspects of the Blog's operation in a transparent and understandable manner. Please read these Terms of Use ("Terms") carefully. By visiting or using the Blog, you agree to these Terms and commit to complying with them. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use the Blog.

1. Intellectual Property Rights and Content Usage

All content on the Blog (articles, visuals, videos, designs, logos, software, etc.), unless explicitly stated otherwise, is protected by copyright laws and belongs to Alper İlhan or content providers. This content is the product of labor and creativity that makes the Blog a unique and valuable resource.

Therefore, you may use the content on the Blog for personal, non-commercial purposes, provided that you give credit and link directly to the Blog. However, it is strictly forbidden to copy, modify, publish, sell, distribute, or use the content for commercial purposes without permission. Failure to comply with this prohibition may result in legal and criminal liability.

2. Comments, User Participation, and Interaction

The Blog may allow for user participation in the form of commenting, asking questions, participating in discussions, or other interactions. These interactions help to make the Blog a vibrant and dynamic community. However, to ensure that this participation takes place in a healthy and constructive manner, you are expected to adhere to the following rules:

  • Respect, Courtesy, and Tolerance: Show respect for everyone's opinion, be open to different views, and use constructive language. Do not share insults, threats, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, or any other disturbing content.
  • Relevance and Contribution: Ensure that your comments are relevant to the blog post in question and add value to the discussion. Do not post spam, advertisements, irrelevant content, or comments intended solely for provocation.
  • Legal Responsibility and Ethical Values: You are solely responsible for the content of your comments. You are fully liable for any comments that are illegal or violate ethical values.
  • Moderation and Community Management: The Blog owner reserves the right to review, edit, or not publish comments in advance. Inappropriate comments may be deleted or edited. This is done to ensure the safety of the community and healthy communication.

3. Disclaimer and Informational Purpose

The information on the Blog is provided for general information, education, and sharing of personal experiences. This information does not substitute professional advice, consultation, or guidance on any matter. Although we strive to provide accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information, no guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of the information on the Blog.

Your use of the Blog or any decisions or actions you take based on the information on the Blog are entirely your own responsibility. The Blog owner cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from such decisions or actions.

4. Privacy, Data Security, and Personal Information

For detailed information on how your personal information is collected, used, shared, and protected, please read our Privacy Policy. By using the Blog, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy assures you of the protection of your personal data.

5. Third-Party Links and Content

The Blog may contain links to third-party websites, products, or services. These links are provided solely for convenience and to offer additional information. The Blog owner is not responsible for the content, security, or privacy policies of these third-party sites. It is recommended that you do your own research and read the terms of use and privacy policies of the relevant sites before using them.

6. Intellectual Property Rights and Unauthorized Use

The design, logo, content (articles, visuals, videos, etc.), and all other elements of the Blog are subject to the intellectual property rights of Alper İlhan or content providers. It is strictly forbidden to copy, modify, publish, sell, distribute, or use these elements for commercial purposes without permission. Failure to comply with this prohibition may result in legal and criminal liability.

7. Changes and Updates

The Blog owner reserves the right to change these Terms of Use and other policies at any time. Changes will take effect on the date they are published on this page. By continuing to use the Blog, you agree to the updated Terms. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the Terms regularly.

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any disputes arising from these Terms and the use of the Blog are subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, and the Antalya Courts and Enforcement Offices have jurisdiction.

9. Contact and Feedback

For any questions, comments, or feedback, please contact us at info@alperilhan.com.tr. Your opinions are valuable to us and help us improve the Blog.

Thank you again for visiting our Blog!

Last Update: 05/07/2024 05/07/2024

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