What is Agnosticism? Definitions, Different Interpretations, and Basic Concepts

Agnostisizm, en temel anlamıyla, tanrının varlığı veya yokluğu hakkında kesin bir bilgiye sahip olunamayacağını savunan felsefi bir görüştür. Kelime kökeni, Antik Yunanca’da “bilgisizlik” veya “bilinemezlik” anlamına gelen “agnōstos” kelimesine dayanır 1.


Agnostisizm Nedir?
What is Agnosticism?


Agnosticism can be interpreted in different ways and has different types:

  • Strong Agnosticism (Hard Agnosticism): Tanrı’nın varlığı veya yokluğunun prensipte bilinemez olduğunu savunur. Bu görüşe göre, insan zihni bu tür bir bilgiyi elde etmek için yeterli donanıma sahip değildir 2.
  • Weak Agnosticism (Soft Agnosticism): Tanrı’nın varlığı veya yokluğunun şu anda bilinemez olduğunu, ancak gelecekte bilinebileceğini kabul eder. Bu görüş, bilginin sınırlı olduğunu ancak gelişebileceğini vurgular 3.
  • Permanent Agnosticism: States that an individual will remain agnostic throughout their life. This type embraces agnosticism as a life philosophy 4.
  • Temporary Agnosticism: Indicates that an individual is agnostic for a certain period or about a specific topic. This type is more of a research or thinking phase 5.


Basic Concepts: Agnosticism, Belief, and Skepticism

Agnosticism is closely related to some basic concepts:

  • Agnosticism: This concept, which forms the essence of agnosticism, argues that knowledge about the existence or non-existence of God is unattainable 6.
  • Belief: Agnosticism does not take a definitive stance on belief or disbelief. Agnostics may prefer to remain neutral on the matter of faith, considering the evidence for the existence of God to be insufficient 7.
  • Skepticism: Agnosticism encourages a skeptical approach to knowledge. Agnostics adopt a skeptical attitude, avoiding definitive judgments on matters that are not certain 8.

Agnostisizm, farklı yorumları ve türleriyle birlikte, karmaşık ve çok yönlü bir felsefi görüştür. Tanrı’nın varlığına dair kesin bir bilgiye sahip olunamayacağını savunan bu görüş, inanç, bilgi ve şüphecilik gibi temel kavramlarla yakından ilişkilidir.

“Agnostisizm, sadece bir inançsızlık değil, aynı zamanda bir düşünme biçimidir.” – Bertrand Russell 9

Agnosticism encourages critical thinking and questioning by distancing individuals from dogmatic beliefs. In this respect, it is a philosophical movement that is becoming increasingly important in the modern world.

The Historical Development of Agnosticism: From Antiquity to the 19th Century

Agnosticism, although a modern term, is a philosophical way of thinking whose roots go back to ancient times. The idea of agnosticism has found its place in different cultures and philosophical movements.



Agnostisizm Nedir? – Protagoras

The Origins of Agnosticism: Philosophical Foundations and the Ancient Period

Antik Yunan’da, sofistler ve bazı Sokrates öncesi filozoflar, bilginin sınırları ve tanrıların doğası hakkında şüpheci sorular sormuşlardır. Protagoras’ın “İnsan her şeyin ölçüsüdür” şeklindeki ünlü sözü, insanın bilgiye ulaşmadaki sınırlılığına işaret eder 8.

Hindistan’da ise, bazı Hindu ve Jain felsefecileri, bilginin göreceliliği ve tanrının doğasının kavranamazlığı üzerine düşünmüşlerdir. Bu düşünceler, agnostisizmin temel felsefi temellerini oluşturan bilinemezcilik ve şüphecilik akımlarına katkıda bulunmuştur 10.


Thomas Henry Huxley
Agnostisizm Nedir? – Thomas Henry Huxley

The Emergence and Spread of the Term: 19th Century and T.H. Huxley

The term agnosticism was coined in the mid-19th century by the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley. Huxley used this term to express that no definite knowledge can be obtained about the existence or non-existence of God. He defined agnosticism as a method rather than a belief and advocated staying within the limits of scientific knowledge 11.

Huxley’in agnostisizm anlayışı, dönemin bilimsel gelişmeleri ve dini dogmalara karşı eleştirel yaklaşımla şekillenmiştir. Agnostisizm, 19. yüzyılın sonlarında ve 20. yüzyılın başlarında, özellikle bilim insanları ve entelektüeller arasında yaygınlaşmıştır.



The Impact of Agnosticism in Different Periods

Agnosticism has been influential in philosophical, scientific, and social fields since its emergence. Emphasizing the limits of scientific knowledge, agnosticism has encouraged scientists to be more cautious and questioning.

Offering a critical approach to religious dogmas, agnosticism has led individuals to question their own beliefs and think more freely. In this respect, agnosticism has an important place in the history of modern thought.

Today, agnosticism promotes tolerance and dialogue by acting as a bridge between individuals with different belief systems. By accepting the limitations of knowledge, agnosticism teaches us to be open to different ideas and to have an understanding attitude.

Philosophical Foundations and Arguments of Agnosticism: On Knowledge, Existence, and Morality

Agnosticism is not just a state of belief or disbelief, but also a system of thought with philosophical foundations and supported by various arguments. These arguments are based on different areas such as epistemology (theory of knowledge), ontology (theory of being), and moral philosophy.

Epistemological Arguments: Limits of Knowledge and Lack of Evidence

The basic epistemological argument of agnosticism is based on the limits of human knowledge and the lack of evidence for the existence of God. According to agnostics, there is not enough empirical or rational evidence to definitively prove the existence or non-existence of God 12.

This argument raises philosophical questions about the nature and limits of knowledge. Agnostics point to the complexity of the human mind and the vastness of the universe, arguing that it is impossible or at least very difficult to attain definitive knowledge about a transcendent being like God 13.

Ontological Arguments: The Ambiguity of the Concept of God

The ontological arguments of agnosticism focus on the ambiguity of the concept of God and its openness to different interpretations. The concept of God has been defined differently by different religions, cultures, and philosophical movements throughout history. This diversity makes it difficult to reach a clear consensus on what God is and is not 14.

Based on this ambiguity, agnostics argue that it is not possible to make a definitive judgment about the existence or non-existence of God. According to them, the concept of God may be an abstraction produced by the human mind and may not fully correspond to reality 15.

Moral Arguments: The Necessity/Unnecessity of Belief

Agnosticism also offers different approaches in terms of moral arguments. Some agnostics argue that the source of moral behavior is not belief in God. According to them, moral values are part of human nature and social life and can exist independently of belief 16.

Other agnostics, while accepting that a morality without belief is possible, think that religions can contribute to moral values. According to this view, religions can play an important role in promoting moral behavior and helping to maintain social order 17.

Agnosticism, with its philosophical foundations and various arguments, offers a different perspective on important issues such as belief, knowledge, and morality. These arguments position agnosticism as a philosophical approach that encourages critical thinking and questioning rather than just a belief.

Agnosticism and Other Schools of Thought: Relationship with Atheism, Theism, Skepticism, and Pragmatism

Agnosticism has a complex and dynamic relationship with other philosophical and religious schools of thought. In particular, its similarities and differences with atheism and theism have often been the subject of debate.

Agnosticism and Atheism: Differences and Similarities

Agnosticism and atheism, although both seen as opposing views to traditional theism, are fundamentally different.

  • Atheism: Tanrı’nın var olmadığını veya var olma olasılığının çok düşük olduğunu savunan bir inanç veya dünya görüşüdür 12Atheists generally believe that the evidence for the existence of God is insufficient or unconvincing.
  • Agnosticism: Tanrı’nın varlığı veya yokluğu hakkında kesin bir bilgiye sahip olunamayacağını savunan bir görüştür. Agnostikler, tanrının varlığına dair kanıtların yetersiz olduğunu kabul etmekle birlikte, aynı zamanda yokluğuna dair kesin bir kanıya varmanın da mümkün olmadığını düşünürler 18.

The fundamental difference between agnosticism and atheism lies in their approach to belief. While atheists believe that God does not exist, agnostics do not express a belief on this matter. Both views take a critical stance against religious dogmas and blind faith.

Agnosticism and Theism: Agnostic Theism and Compatibility

The relationship between agnosticism and theism is more complex. Agnostic theism is a view that believes in the existence of God but acknowledges that this belief is not based on definitive knowledge. Agnostic theists may base their beliefs on personal experiences, spirituality, or moral values 19.

There is also a compatibility between agnosticism and theism. Some theists, while acknowledging that their beliefs are not based on rational evidence, may still choose to believe in the existence of God. This kind of theism can be compatible with the skeptical and questioning approach of agnosticism 20.

Agnosticism and Other Philosophical Movements: Skepticism and Pragmatism

Agnosticism is also related to other philosophical movements such as skepticism and pragmatism:

  • Skepticism: A philosophical movement that approaches knowledge with doubt and questions the existence of absolute truths 8Agnosticism shares skepticism's cautious approach to knowledge and avoids definitive judgments on metaphysical issues such as the existence of God.
  • Pragmatism: A philosophical movement that measures the value of ideas and beliefs according to their practical results 21Agnosticism embraces pragmatism's practical benefit-oriented approach, preferring to focus on concrete problems and improving human life rather than unprovable issues such as the existence of God.

Agnosticism, through its relationship with different schools of thought, offers a rich and multifaceted philosophical discussion ground. These discussions enrich our world of thought by bringing different perspectives to fundamental issues such as belief, knowledge, and morality.

Agnosticism and Science: The Nature of Knowledge, Its Limits, and Scientific Discoveries

The relationship between agnosticism and science focuses on the nature of knowledge, its limits, and the impact of scientific discoveries on metaphysical questions. Agnosticism adopts a rational and empirical approach to knowledge acquisition by embracing the scientific method, while at the same time accepting the limits of knowledge and avoiding definitive judgments on matters that are not certain.

Scientific Method and Agnosticism: The Nature and Limits of Knowledge

Agnosticism sees the scientific method as the most reliable way to gain knowledge. The scientific method is a systematic process consisting of steps such as observation, experimentation, hypothesis formation, testing, and evaluating results. This process ensures that knowledge is constantly tested and updated 22.

While agnosticism acknowledges the power of the scientific method, it also emphasizes the limits of knowledge. According to agnostics, there are limits to human knowledge and some questions cannot be answered by the scientific method. Such questions are usually metaphysical or theological in nature and include topics such as the existence of God 23.

Agnosticism approaches the certainty of scientific knowledge with skepticism and avoids dogmatic beliefs. This approach encourages scientists to be more open-minded and critical thinkers.

Scientific Discoveries and Agnosticism: The Theory of Evolution and Cosmology

Scientific discoveries have played a role in supporting and strengthening the philosophical foundations of agnosticism. Developments in areas such as the theory of evolution and cosmology, in particular, have led to questioning traditional religious beliefs and turning to agnostic thought.


Agnostisizm Nedir?
What is Agnosticism?

The theory of evolution has questioned creation myths and religious dogmas by providing a scientific explanation for the origin and diversity of living things 24Cosmology, on the other hand, has opened up the concept of God, thought to be the creator of the universe, for discussion by presenting scientific data about the origin and structure of the universe 25.

These scientific discoveries support the agnostics' claim that the evidence for the existence of God is insufficient. Agnostics, in the light of scientific knowledge, argue that it is not possible to make a definitive judgment about the existence or non-existence of God.

The relationship between agnosticism and science has an important place in the process of accessing and making sense of knowledge. Agnosticism offers a rational approach to knowledge acquisition by embracing the scientific method, while at the same time accepting the limits of knowledge and avoiding dogmatic beliefs. This approach is a philosophical way of thinking that is constantly updated and developed in the light of scientific discoveries.

Agnosticism and Religion: Its Relationship with Different Religions and Its Impact on Religious Belief

Agnosticism has a complex relationship with different religions and religious beliefs. While agnostics argue that it is impossible to have definitive knowledge about the existence or non-existence of God, they respect the belief systems and values of different religions. However, agnosticism can also have significant effects on religious belief and lead to crises of faith or spiritual quests.


Agnostisizm Nedir?
What is Agnosticism?

Agnosticism and Different Religions: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism

Agnosticism tries to establish dialogue with different religions by respecting their belief systems and values. Agnostics appreciate the cultural, social, and moral contributions of religions while avoiding dogmatic beliefs and blind obedience.

  • Islam and Agnosticism: İslam’da, Allah’ın varlığı ve birliği temel inanç esasları arasındadır. Agnostikler, İslam’ın bu temel inanç esaslarına saygı göstermekle birlikte, Allah’ın varlığına dair kesin bir bilgiye sahip olunamayacağını düşünürler. Agnostikler, İslam’ın ahlaki değerlerini ve toplumsal düzenleyici rolünü takdir ederken, bazı dini yorumları veya uygulamaları eleştirebilirler 26.
  • Christianity and Agnosticism: Hristiyanlıkta, İsa’nın tanrı oğlu olduğu inancı merkezi bir konumdadır. Agnostikler, İsa’nın öğretilerine ve ahlaki değerlerine saygı duyarlar, ancak onun tanrısallığı hakkında kesin bir bilgiye sahip olunamayacağını düşünürler. Agnostikler, Hristiyanlığın sevgi, merhamet ve affetme gibi değerlerini benimserken, bazı teolojik dogmaları veya kilise uygulamalarını sorgulayabilirler 27.
  • Buddhism and Agnosticism: Budizm, tanrı inancını zorunlu kılmaz ve daha çok kişisel aydınlanma ve acıdan kurtulma üzerine odaklanır. Agnostisizm, Budizm’in bu felsefi yaklaşımıyla uyumlu olabilir. Agnostikler, Budizm’in meditasyon, farkındalık ve şefkat gibi pratiklerini benimseyerek manevi bir arayış içinde olabilirler 28.

Agnosticism and Religious Belief: Crisis of Faith and Spiritual Quest

Agnosticism can have significant effects on religious belief. Some people may experience crises of faith when they encounter agnostic thought. These crises can lead a person to question previously accepted religious dogmas and make changes in their belief system.

Agnosticism can also inspire a spiritual quest. Agnostics believe that they can live a meaningful life without adhering to religious beliefs. This quest can take place in different areas such as personal development, moral values, connecting with nature, or artistic expression 29.

Agnosticism has a complex relationship with religions and religious beliefs. Agnostics can question their own beliefs and be on a spiritual quest while respecting different religions and establishing dialogue with them. This process can contribute to a person living a more free, conscious, and meaningful life.

Agnosticism and Society: Social Status, Prejudices, Discrimination, and Communities

Agnosticism is perceived differently in society, and agnostic individuals may face various challenges. Prejudices, discrimination, and social exclusion are among the factors that affect the social status of agnostics. However, agnostic communities and organizations play an important role in coping with these challenges and ensuring that agnosticism is better understood.

Social Status of Agnostics: Prejudices and Discrimination

Agnostics often face misunderstandings and prejudices in society. Some people may label agnostics as unbelievers or immoral by confusing agnosticism with atheism 30Others may see agnosticism as indecision or weakness 31.

These prejudices can cause agnostics to be discriminated against in business, social relationships, and even within the family. Agnostics may be excluded, ridiculed, or even threatened because of their beliefs 32.


Agnostisizm Nedir?
What is Agnosticism?

Agnostic Communities and Organizations: Support Groups and Activism

Various communities and organizations have been established to cope with the challenges faced by agnostics and to ensure that agnosticism is better understood. These communities come together to provide support to agnostics, share their experiences, and advocate agnosticism.

Agnostic communities can be in the form of online forums, social media groups, or local meetups. These platforms allow agnostics to connect with each other, share their experiences, and receive support.

Agnostic organizations, on the other hand, work to introduce agnosticism to a wider audience, defend the rights of agnostics, and increase social acceptance. These organizations provide information about agnosticism by organizing conferences, seminars, and training programs. They also carry out lobbying activities to combat discrimination and protect the rights of agnostics.

Agnostic communities and organizations make agnostics feel that they are not alone and empower them. Thanks to these communities, agnostics can freely express their beliefs, share their experiences, and receive support.

Agnosticism is becoming an increasingly accepted and respected way of thinking in society. Agnostic communities and organizations play an important role in accelerating this process and ensuring the full participation of agnostics in social life.

Research on Agnosticism: Academic Studies, Surveys, and Popular Publications

Agnosticism has been an intriguing research topic in various disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, and religion. Academic studies examine the philosophical foundations, social impacts, and individual experiences of agnosticism. Surveys and statistics reveal the demographics and beliefs of agnostics, while popular publications introduce agnosticism to a wider audience.

Academic Studies on Agnosticism: Philosophy and Sociology

Studies in the field of philosophy analyze the epistemological, ontological, and moral arguments of agnosticism. Research examining the relationship of agnosticism with the theory of knowledge, the concept of God, and moral philosophy addresses the philosophical foundations of agnosticism in depth 12.

Studies in the field of sociology, on the other hand, investigate the social status, experiences, and beliefs of agnostics. Research focusing on topics such as the identity formation of agnostics, social acceptance, and experiences with discrimination sheds light on the social dimension of agnosticism 31.

Surveys and Statistics on Agnosticism

Surveys and statistics on agnosticism reveal the demographics, beliefs, and values of agnostics. These studies try to profile the agnostic population by determining characteristics such as age, gender, education level, income level, and geographic distribution of agnostics 33.

Surveys also provide information about agnostics' religious beliefs, moral values, and perspectives on social issues. This data is an important resource for understanding the worldview and lifestyle of agnostics 34.


Agnostisizm Nedir?
What is Agnosticism?

Popular Publications on Agnosticism: Books and Articles

Agnosticism reaches a wider audience through popular publications. Books, articles, and blog posts on agnosticism explain the basic principles, history, and current importance of agnosticism.

  • Bertrand Russell’ın “Neden Hristiyan Değilim?” adlı kitabı, agnostisizmin felsefi temellerini ve dini inançlara karşı eleştirel bir bakış açısı sunar 9.
  • Richard Dawkins’in “Tanrı Yanılgısı” adlı kitabı, ateizm ve agnostisizm arasındaki farkları açıklar ve bilimsel kanıtlar ışığında tanrı inancını eleştirir 15.
  • Bart Ehrman’ın “Misquoting Jesus” adlı kitabı, İncil’in güvenilirliği ve İsa’nın tarihselliği hakkında şüphe uyandırarak agnostik düşünceye zemin hazırlar 35.

Research on agnosticism sheds light on different aspects of this school of thought, allowing it to be better understood. Academic studies examine the philosophical foundations of agnosticism in depth, while surveys and statistics reveal the profile of the agnostic population. Popular publications introduce agnosticism to a wider audience, increasing social awareness.

The Future of Agnosticism: Its Place and Importance in the Modern World, and Possible Future Developments

Agnosticism is a school of thought that is becoming increasingly accepted and important in the modern world. Scientific developments, cultural changes, and the search for individual freedom are among the factors that support the rise of agnosticism. Agnosticism will continue to play an important role in the future by contributing to social and cultural changes.

Agnostisizm Nedir? (2024)The Place and Importance of Agnosticism in the Modern World

The modern world is characterized by factors such as easier access to information, increased interaction with different cultures, and an emphasis on individual freedoms. These factors strengthen the place and importance of agnosticism in the modern world.

  • The Information Age and Agnosticism: Access to information has never been easier thanks to the Internet and other communication technologies. This allows individuals to research and compare different belief systems and philosophical views. Agnosticism, with its knowledge-based and inquisitive approach, appeals to more people in this age 36.
  • Cultural Diversity and Agnosticism: The modern world is like a mosaic where different cultures and belief systems coexist. This diversity increases the importance of agnosticism's approach based on tolerance and dialogue. Agnosticism encourages finding common ground and understanding by respecting different beliefs 37.
  • Individual Freedom and Agnosticism: Modern societies increasingly value individual freedoms and personal preferences. Agnosticism gives individuals the freedom to make their own decisions about faith and avoids dogmatic impositions. In this respect, agnosticism is compatible with the modern individual's quest for freedom 38.

The Possible Future Development and Impact of Agnosticism

Agnosticism will continue to play an important role in the future by contributing to social and cultural changes.

  • The Spread of Agnosticism: With the influence of factors such as scientific developments, cultural interaction, and the search for individual freedom, agnosticism is expected to be embraced by more people. The popularity of agnosticism is increasing, especially among younger generations 36.
  • Strengthening Social Dialogue: Agnosticism encourages finding common ground and dialogue by respecting different beliefs. This approach may contribute to more understanding and cooperation between different faith groups in the future 39.
  • Religious Reform Movements: Agnosticism can inspire reform movements within some religious groups. Agnostic thought can encourage questioning and reinterpreting religious beliefs, contributing to the development of a more inclusive and tolerant religious understanding 27.
  • Increasing Secularization: Agnosticism can accelerate the process of secularization. With the decline of the influence of religious beliefs and institutions, secular worldviews such as agnosticism may become more important 37.

Agnosticism is a school of thought that has an important place in the modern world and is expected to increase its influence in the future. Agnosticism, with its knowledge-based, inquisitive, and tolerant approach, promises hope for a more just, free, and understanding world.

Agnosticism: An Assessment, Its Contributions, and Future Potential

Agnosticism, as a complex and multifaceted philosophical view, is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. Agnosticism, with its knowledge-based, inquisitive, and tolerant approach, makes important contributions at the individual and societal levels, while also having the potential to shape our world of thought in the future.

Overall Assessment of Agnosticism

Agnosticism, by arguing that it is impossible to have definitive knowledge about the existence or non-existence of God, encourages staying away from dogmatic beliefs and blind obedience. In this respect, agnosticism values critical thinking, questioning, and evidence-based decision-making.

Agnosticism promotes tolerance and dialogue by respecting different belief systems and worldviews. This approach facilitates the coexistence of differences and contributes to social peace.

However, agnosticism is also open to criticism. Some see agnosticism as indecision or an evasive attitude, while others think it falls short on the source of moral values.

Individual and Social Contributions of Agnosticism

Agnosticism makes important contributions at the individual level.

  • Free Thought: Agnosticism frees individuals from dogmatic beliefs, allowing them to express their own thoughts freely.
  • Critical Thinking: Agnosticism encourages a skeptical approach to knowledge and questioning, thereby developing critical thinking skills.
  • Personal Development: Agnosticism contributes to personal development by leading individuals to question their own beliefs and values.

Agnosticism also makes important contributions at the societal level.

  • Tolerance and Dialogue: Agnosticism promotes tolerance and dialogue by respecting different beliefs.
  • Scientific Development: Agnosticism contributes to scientific development by supporting the scientific method.
  • Secular Ethics: Agnosticism contributes to the development of an ethical understanding that is not based on religious beliefs.

The Future Potential of Agnosticism

Agnosticism has the potential to shape our world of thought in the future.

  • Spread: Scientific developments, cultural interaction, and the search for individual freedom may lead to agnosticism being embraced by more people.
  • Social Dialogue: Agnosticism can contribute to social peace by promoting dialogue between different faith groups.
  • Religious Reform: Agnosticism can inspire the reinterpretation of religious beliefs and the development of a more inclusive religious understanding.
  • Secularization: Agnosticism can accelerate the process of secularization, reducing the influence of religious beliefs and institutions.

Agnosticism can play an important role in the search for solutions to the complex problems of the modern world. With its knowledge-based, inquisitive, and tolerant approach, agnosticism promises hope for a more just, free, and peaceful world.


  1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Agnosticism”, plato.stanford.edu[]
  2. Huxley, T. H. (1889). Agnosticism. In Collected Essays, vol. 5[]
  3. Armstrong, K. (1999). A History of God[]
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  5. Mavrodes, G. I. (1970). Belief in God[]
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  17. Plantinga, A. (2000). Warranted Christian Belief[]
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  33. Pew Research Center. (2015). America’s Changing Religious Landscape[]
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  35. Ehrman, B. D. (2005). Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why[]
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  38. Taylor, C. (1989). Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity[]
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